Casey Mcintyre Obituary, Brooklyn NY, Ovarian Cancer Update

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Casey Mcintyre Obituary, Death – On November 12, 2023, a bright light in the center of Brooklyn, New York, went out at the age of 38. Casey Ryan McIntyre was born. Casey was a beloved wife, mother, sister, daughter, niece, and aunt who made a lasting impression on everyone who had the good fortune to know her. In addition to being a literary force, Casey served as Publisher of Razorbill, a Penguin Random House brand.

She also inspired and cheered on her coworkers and the many people whose lives she touched. Casey was always the leader of the karaoke sessions, usually starting with Bonnie Raitt’s “Something to Talk About.” Her passion for music was a reflection of her lively personality and the happiness she offered to any event. On Saturday, December 2nd, at 3 pm, there will be a debt jubilee and memorial service at Prospect Park Boathouse to remember and celebrate Casey’s extraordinary life.

Family, friends, coworkers, and acquaintances will have a heartfelt chance to get together and share memories and anecdotes of a woman whose influence extended well beyond the pages of books at this gathering. Attendees are urged to wear clothing that expresses their tremendous gratitude for having known Casey as well as their sincere sorrow over her passing.

This contrast of feelings represents the richness of a life well-lived, which includes both the boundless joys and the unavoidable sadness that result from significant experiences and close relationships. As we say goodbye to Casey McIntyre, let’s not only acknowledge the deep loss we experience but also the amazing legacy she leaves behind.

Her passion for reading, her contagious energy, and her long-lasting influence on everyone around her will never cease to motivate and inspire us. Benjamin Disraeli once said, “The memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example is the legacy of heroes.” As a hero unto herself, Casey McIntyre will live on in our hearts for the strength of her character and the unbreakable legacy she leaves behind.

