Woman plays spoons and becomes a YouTube star with her performance

May 2024 · 2 minute read

The famous street performer Abby Roach joined another artist Chris Rodrigues to perform a magical duet out on her porch.

The video uploaded to Facebook by Roach, who is also known as The Spoon Lady, sees her playing the percussions with two spoons while her friend Rodrigues plays guitar and sings an energetic number.

The duo put up the performance as a part of last year’s “Play Music on the Porch Day,” an open event that invites any musician to play music on their porch and upload the video on Facebook using the hashtag “PlayMusicOnThePorch.”

During the performance, while Rodrigues rocked with his choice of a more traditional instrument, Roach surprised with her excellent use of the unconventional musical instrument, a spoon.

Source: Facebook/Abby The Spoon Lady

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However, she used her two silver spoons in such a manner that the jamming session of the duo felt like a perfect and complete musical presentation. The sharp clicking sound of the spoon added the perfect percussion for the song that Rodrigues sang.

The song of their choice was “Angels in Heaven,” which is a popular folk song, and Rodrigues provided a rousing vocal for the song. His rendition of the folk song was one of the most enjoyable ones which were further was accentuated by the surprising musical prowess of Roach.

The lovable video has been welcomed by social media. It has been viewed over 24 million times and has been shared more than 437,000 times making it go viral on social media.

According to Country Music Nation, Roach, who is a native from Wichita began studying American folk percussion, music, and folklore while roaming the country on foot and rail. She has lived in the past as an American hobo.

Roach and Rodrigues are both popular musicians around Asheville, North Carolina area, where they currently reside and are available for bookings.

Sometimes the most unique and original talents are found in the most unexpected of places.
