Will There Be a Season 2 of Apple TV Plus's 'Echo 3'?

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Apple TV Plus's explosive thriller series 'Echo 3' wrapped up on Jan. 13, 2023. Fans of Mark Boal's show are already curious about a Season 2.

Bianca Piazza - Author

Based on Israeli author Amir Gutfreund's 2008 novel When Heroes Fly (or when Heroes Fly To Her), Apple TV Plus's high-stakes thriller series Echo 3 follows two military men as they search for a kidnapped family member.

"When scientist Amber Chesborough vanishes along the Columbia-Venezuela border, her brother and her husband — both elite U.S. Army commandos — struggle to find her amid a guerilla war, discovering that the woman they love might have a secret," the synopsis reads.

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The series comes from Oscar winner and former journalist Mark Boal, who's known for writing and producing 2008’s The Hurt Locker and 2011’s Zero Dark Thirty. While he acts as the series's showrunner and executive producer, he also directed three episodes.

Echo 3 — which premiered on Nov. 23, 2022 — has been received well overall, earning a Rotten Tomatoes score of 68 percent. It may not be an outstanding number, but the score is considered "fresh." With this in mind, will the series get a Season 2 renewal? Let's discuss.

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Will 'Echo 3' get renewed Season 2?

As of right now, Echo 3 hasn't been canceled or renewed for a Season 2. However, Mark Boal hinted that there's a future for the series (though nothing is confirmed).

In an interview with Variety, Mark was questioned about whether or not Echo 3 was envisioned as a limited series (interviewer Cynthia Littleton had only seen the first two episodes when she asked this). His response is promising.

"It was envisioned as a multi-season thing. I feel pretty good about how the show’s performing," he shared in December 2022.

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And while critics have somewhat mixed opinions on the high-intensity series, audiences are even more mixed. Echo 3 currently boasts a middle-of-the-road audience-based Rotten Tomatoes score of 62 percent.

Rotten Tomatoes user Carol Rebecca R. awarded the series with a lackluster 2.5 stars out of 5.

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"The ending was expected. The flat marital relationship, as indicated in Episode 1, was not going to fly regardless of the rescue effort. Throughout the protracted and somewhat disjointed series, the counterpoints of culture, economic disparities, and the brutality of humanity versus the beauty of the natural world are heightened by the visuals, which at times are stunning," Carol wrote.

"As others have said, the story, a critical comment on the military industrial complex, would have been better served by a 90-minute movie." (Mark Boal considers the series to be a "10-hour movie.")

The user went on to praise Luke Evans (Beauty and the Beast) for his electric performance, detailing that he's the reason she stuck around until the very end.

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Meanwhile, a very passionate Ashley W. gave the series a perfect 5 out of 5 stars.

"I'm so sick of everyone rating something a 1 if the very first episode isn't the entirety of the story. It's slow building yes, but that's WORTH IT. Shows aren't SUPPOSED to answer every question raised as soon as they raise it," Ashley detailed.

"It's a good story, the cast is great, and it builds enough tension with each episode that you know the breaking point will be epic if you just wait for it."

If viewership data was made public, perhaps the future of Echo 3 would be clearer. Until more information makes itself available, Season 1 of Echo 3 is currently streaming on Apple TV Plus.
