WWE's newest Power Couple. | WrestleZone Forums

May 2024 ยท 3 minute read
Personally, I don't think the timing is right for them to form some sort of an alliance. Bad News Barrett has spent the majority of the past 1.5 years in mid-card limbo and has only really begun gaining any real momentum over the course of the past month or so. He's doing a great job, in my opinion, but, then again, I think he's always done a good job. I think the biggest problem is that he's been handled badly and while I know some people have said this about LOTS of guys in the past, I think Barrett is genuinely one in which there's not really much room for debate. The only reason Nexus stayed afloat as long as it did, despite the group as a whole generally being booked to look like sacrificial lambs to John Cena, was because Barrett has the goods. The Corre started off strong but, as we've often seen, Vince lost interest right when things were just starting to really happen. Barrett's runs as IC title, especially during WM season last year, were especially dismal and fraught with lousy booking. But, here he is now reemerged with new momentum and fans are still every bit as into him as they were.

I think Barrett should remain heel, though I think it's possible he could be a convincing babyface. However, Barrett's stance, the swagger he uses when he walks, the sort of superior, smug way he sort of looks down to people and his background as a legit tough guy all play well into a heel persona.

As far as Paige goes, I see her going heel at some point. Right now, they've been working on establishing Paige's familiarity to the audience, but it's starting to become close to a time when they need to flush out her character. It's true she's only 21 years old, so they can get away with playing the underdog, inexperienced "rookie" card for a while longer. I ultimately get the sense, though I might be wrong, that WWE is sort of holding off on going too deep with Paige until AJ Lee returns. AJ is easily the single most interesting woman to wrestle in WWE in quite some time and I think she can be used in developing who Paige is. Eventually, however, I think they're going to have to go with the "Anti-Diva" aspects of Paige's character. We see Paige's look and it's totally different from the other women on the roster, so I think the character is gonna have to be more in line with the persona at some point. Otherwise, they may as well just scrap the "Anti-Diva" character altogether.

As far as expanding into an all Brit stable, it has some possibilities. If they went down that road, I'd like to see it done with a serious feel to it rather than just it being a handful of smarmy, cocky British heels that nobody takes too seriously because of that stereotypical smarminess. Sheamus & Barrett are a couple of big, burly brawlers, I could easily see Paige as the Diva of the group, Adrian Neville as the athletic high flyer and I'd be interested in seeing William Regal as the manager for the group.
