Huge Boobs, Tiny Waist, Huge Ass

May 2024 ยท 3 minute read

Who started this trend?

It seems like all females nowdays are trying to look like a Kardashian whore.

I find it completely vulgar.

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by Anonymousreply 8June 13, 2022 12:44 PM

He had a confused sense that she must have cost a great deal to make, that a great many dull and ugly people must, in some mysterious way, have been sacrificed to produce her.

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by Anonymousreply 2June 13, 2022 11:25 AM

Well, R1, Dolly has always said that she modelled her look after the town tramp, who was described by her own mother as "nothin' but trash". In fact, Dolly herself admits that she looks vulgar with her running gag: You'd be surprised how much money it costs to look this cheap!

A voluptuous figure in itself isn't the problem. The real problem is that many of the girls who promote this look have achieved it through plastic surgery and photo-editing software, and promote the idea that if you dress like a cheap whore and shake your breasts and buttocks, everything will be perfect in your life and you won't ever have to work or make an effort to achieve anything, because men will give it to you as long as they get to have sex with you, and parade you around as a trophy.

Moreover, these girls often don't have any talent, are not intelligent and are not even pretty without tons of surgery and make up, but they are promoted as some sort of ideal because we live in a society that rejects true capability and talent and promotes nihilistic hedonism.

by Anonymousreply 4June 13, 2022 11:31 AM

Large breasts, small waist and fleshy thighs/big derriere go back ages. Down through centuries the most desired shape for women by men was far more rotund than modern times. It wasn't really until about 1920's with age of "flapper" that boyish looking females came into fashion, at least for white/European males.

It didn't last long as by 1950's Dior had women looking like females again, and of course by 1940's and through post war era women like Marilyn Monroe and others were desired for their curves.

This again came to and end by 1960's and into 1970's as the pendulum swung again towards skinny or at least athletic women.

Modern incarnation with the slutty Kardashian women and others is a direct rip off of African American, and certain Latino/Hispanic females. In those cultures large breasts, small waist, thighs and big ass are welcome and sexually attractive to men.

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by Anonymousreply 5June 13, 2022 11:44 AM

Corsets and bustles, flesh cut open so plastic bags of silicone gel can be brutally shoved inside and sewn's physique for women is just the pairing of these two separate extreme fashion trends. Instead of corsets and bustles, they use medical technology to suck fat out and to insert implants into the ass.

It's all very bizarre but it's only an extension of the breast-enhancement trend that is regarded as totally normal nowadays.

I am less freaked out by the freaky proportions than I am by the idea of a woman choosing to check into a hospital, receive general anesthesia that could kill her, be sliced open like a fish being cleaned, have plastic trash bags shoved under sliced open breast tissue, be sewn back up and go through pain for weeks so that a foreign object that could potentially fuck up her immune system for life can be trapped inside to make her boobs more bulbous. That's super, super freaky. It's taking self-mutilation to an extreme degree in my opinion, no less extreme than what Michael Jackson did to himself, just more common.

by Anonymousreply 6June 13, 2022 12:03 PM
